Monday, June 28, 2010

The Difference Between a Web Page and a Blog

The Difference Between a Web Page and a Blog in a nutshell, is that a web page is geared more toward selling something to a customer and a blog is the sharing of ideas and opinions. Don't get me wrong a web page CAN be full of opinons and ideas and a blog CAN sell but typically speaking that is the most basic of definitions. Traditional web pages, if done professionally, can tend to be very costly, however, a blog page can be done at little to no cost. They can both be used at the same time for the same product or idea or they can be used sperately. Blogs are all over the web now and almost anyone can do it, but real authentic web designers are few and far between and the numbers are dwindling fast because everyone THINKS that they can be a web designer by simply following a template. The web has opened so many possibilities and now average people can be and do all things on the web. This openness of information is good and bad in the sense that no one looks for quality or professionalism anymore. We oftentimes settle for mediocore web pages and forgive flaws while still spending our money on the product. However, much less forgiving when it comes to others opinions about a paricular subject. Next week...Why We Will Kill Someone Who Doesn't Think Like Us?