Monday, July 5, 2010



My teaching and educational technology use prior to this program was severely limited. Although there were many things that I did know regarding technology in general, there was so much more that I did not know, as it relates to its use and benefits in the classroom. I had never thought that things that we use in the classroom, even on a daily basis, were never even intended for actual classroom use. But more importantly the things that I did often use in the classroom were not used to its maximum potential. My use of the technology was lacking so full integration into the classroom was never an option. For example, the Smart Board quickly became a viewing screen for simple PowerPoint presentations and movies.But as I reflect on this week, I realize that my learning trajectories have changed greatly, and I could even see this happen on the very first day of class. For example, I have now learned how to make simple PowerPoint presentations interactive.

PGP 2010

My personal growth plan for 2010 and beyond is to fully integrate the TPACK model as it relates to making my subject matter more interactive for my students, no matter what subject I may be teaching, and in the process motivating my students to want to become involved in their learning process; and thus become an active participant in their own personal educational growth. However for the immediate near future I need to fully understand what TPACK is.

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